2024-01-02 11:24来源:m.sf1369.com作者:宇宇
1、安全性 2、稳定性 3、是否兼容服务器 4、数据库设计要能承受 5、知道网站是B2B、B2C或者是B2G 6、方便性 7、处理速度快 8、客户服务 9、意见反馈 我个人意见是那么多。
Dim a(1 To 9) As Boolean
Dim win As Boolean, begin As Boolean, haveload As Boolean, start As Boolean
Private Sub Command1_Click()
start = True: begin = False
For i = 1 To 9
a(i) = False
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
a(9) = True
Label1(0).Visible = False
Me.Height = 4400
Me.Width = 4000
Scale (0, 0)-(3, 3.3)
If haveload = False Then
haveload = True: start = True
Command1.Top = 3: Command1.Left = 2
Command1.Width = 1: Command1.Height = 0.3
Command1.Caption = 开始
For i = 1 To 9
Load Label1(i)
Next i
End If
For i = 1 To 9
Label1(i).Height = 1
Label1(i).Width = 1
Label1(i).Visible = True
Label1(i).Top = (i - 1) \ 3
Label1(i).Left = (i - 1) Mod 3
Label1(i).Caption = Str(i)
Label1(i).BackColor = QBColor(i)
Label1(i).FontBold = True
Label1(i).FontSize = 40
Next i
Label1(9).Caption = : Label1(9).BackColor = vbWhite
For i = 1 To 500
r% = Int(9 * Rnd) + 1
Call Label1_Click(r)
Next i
begin = True
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click(index As Integer)
Dim x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
If start = True Then
If a(index) = False Then
x1 = (index - 1) Mod 3: y1 = (index - 1) \ 3
If x1 - 1 > -0.2 Then
If a(x1 + y1 * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 * 3, index)
End If
If x1 + 1 < 2.2 Then
If a(x1 + y1 * 3 + 2) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + y1 * 3 + 2, index)
End If
If y1 - 1 > -0.2 Then
If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 - 1) * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + (y1 - 1) * 3 + 1, index)
End If
If y1 + 1 < 2.2 Then
If a(x1 + 1 + (y1 + 1) * 3) = True Then Call yidong(x1 + 1 + (y1 + 1) * 3, index)
End If
End If
win = True
For i = 1 To 8
If Val(Label1(i).Caption) <> i Then win = False
Next i
If win = True And begin = True Then MsgBox (恭喜你成功了): begin = False: start = False
End If
End Sub
Sub yidong(x, index)
Label1(0).Caption = Label1(index).Caption
Label1(index).Caption = Label1(x).Caption
Label1(x).Caption = Label1(0).Caption
a(index) = True: a(x) = False
Label1(0).BackColor = Label1(index).BackColor
Label1(index).BackColor = Label1(x).BackColor
Label1(x).BackColor = Label1(0).BackColor
End Sub